Author & animal studies academic
The violin lies on the floor like a murder weapon. The girl closes her eyes and listens to the gushing blood,
counting the rhythm, beat for beat.
I saw a bustling vortex inside the sphere, overflowing with energy. I thought to myself that, although the sphere was hardly bigger than my own head,
it might hide a whole world within.
I crept quietly towards the opening and looked inside. The darkness was squirming. Living shadows, crawling around each other like insects in a sandpit.
The darkness was no longer whispering, but hissing.
Sometimes we sailed together through a clear mist, until suddenly she appeared to us, warm, grassy, and blooming;
hot spot on
the frozen sea.
Many of the animals seemed quite advanced in years and it stung Ásbjörn how rarely he had seen old farm animals.
Not often are consumer goods allowed to age in peace.
Deep down, Vár knew something much worse than Dermites or Sages
was coming her way.
Something they hadn't read about in the books.
The strange creature dragged its thin tail behind it and Dísa thought she saw broken or torn wings hanging from its back.
With each step, the temple began to shake.
The Guardian stood as he had always stood, stock-still with his hands to the sky.
She shook her head and laughed at herself for believing that a tree could come to life.
The creature crawled on two large legs that most resembled crab claws.
The skin was silver gray and it glistened in the sunlight.
We found it difficult to look at the stones for fear that they would spring to life at any moment -
as if the animals were still alive inside the rock.
This is just like the wild sheep in the Westfjords that were not allowed to live in peace.
If the animal cannot be properly defined, there is simply no room for it.
Not a gray area in sight.
Peter examined the jewelry that hung around his muddy neck. Now it seemed obvious that the inside of the flower was a human face.
It had staring eyes and a screaming mouth calling out to whoever it was waiting beyond that door.
Of course Katrín knew she couldn't go to the old frozen city.
She had heard stories about the cold and the frost and the terrible accidents that had happened long ago.
He must not be afraid. The monsters were just part of the roleplaying game, they were not real.
The bullies, on the other hand ...
The eyes glowed like spirit candles, the nose was stubby like a mushroom and the mouth resembled a tiny mailbox.
My name is Vélmar, the robot answered.
He tells us that the couple only eat baby meat. That's why they didn't finish him off.
Tasted the legs but fed the rest to the cat.